Looking for some killer turkey hunting videos? I’ll be updating this page often to keep up with the latest and greatest videos about turkey hunting that come out. If you see videos on this page, they are worth taking the time to watch. Some are instructional, some are interesting, and others just showcase outstanding hunting skills.


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A Bit More on Turkey Hunting Videos

What we’ve done here is sort through a lot of the more current YouTube videos, and picked out some that are worth of your time. You don’t have to mindlessly scroll through bad videos – we got you covered. As I said earlier, these will likely be updated frequently.

Have some videos you want featured? Let us know!

Five Gobblers in One Day? Yeah, Okay…

Title says it all. These boys get the job done. They are nice gobblers at that.

Running and Gunning Video

If you love running and gunning, check this one out. These boys cover some vast terrain, and they end with getting a nice sized beard dragger. What’s great about this video is the breakdown of what works, and what doesn’t.

Cool Reaping Video

I guess he’s never done it before (as the title says), but reaping is insanely effective. Check out this video for some entertaining methods on getting your next bird.

For those who don’t know, reaping is when you fan out the tail feathers of a Tom, and hide behind them. For whatever reason, the birds just have no idea you are a human. I do not understand it. I do not get it. But, it works insanely well. You NEED to try it if reaping is legal in your state.

Turkey Hunting in the South

Ever been turkey hunting in the wetlands? Well, if you live in the south, or want to hunt in the south, check out this video. These boys trek through the swamps and wetlands of Mississippi for a nice sized bird.

Kid Nails First Gobbler!

Nothing better than getting your first gobbler. Glad he’s at it at a young age.