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Best Time To Get In The Woods For Turkey Hunting

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Trying to figure out the best time to get out there and hunt some turkeys? The best time to go turkey hunting in the woods can vary depending on a few factors, such as the time of year, weather conditions for that day, and turkey behavior in your hunting area.

In this article, we will give you some pointers so that you can get set up at the right time to nail your beard dragging Tom.

What Is the Best Time of Day to Hunt Turkeys?

When it comes to the best time of day for turkey hunting, the early morning hours are typically the most productive, as this is when the turkeys are leaving their roosting sites and heading out to feed. You’ll want to head out while it is still dark outside.

Early Morning Turkey Hunts

When it’s dark out, the turkeys will likely be sleeping or very sluggish. This is, by far, the best time of the day to go turkey hunting. Those who get up early and get set before the sun rises will be rewarded with a successful turkey hunting experience.

You’ll want to remain quiet while you move to your blind, or spot you picked out to start your hunt. Look up the sunrise time in your area, and be sure to give yourself enough time to move through the woods.

night time turkey hunts

Remember, moving through the woods in the dark can take longer than you’d expect. If you can, walk the path to your turkey hunting spot in the day time. Double that time it takes, and you have a good idea of how long you’ll have to walk through the woods in the dark to get to your turkey hunting location.

Afternoon Turkey Hunting

Late afternoon can also be a good time to hunt, as turkeys will often return to their roosts to rest for the night.

Early afternoons (between 11am and 3pm) are usually pretty slow for hunting turkeys. That said, some of the biggest birds I’ve nailed have been shot in that time. You simply never know when the birds will walk in front of you. It’s best to get in your spot, and just stay put and be patient (unless you are running and gunning).

Will the Rain Affect My Hunt?

Turkey hunting in the rain is a whole different ball game. Normally, your hunt will be very slow if the rain is more than mild. Turkeys like to avoid the bad weather just like you do. Sometimes they will return to the roost, or sit in some thick brush.

So, yes, the rain can negatively affect your hunt. Again, you just never know. Some people have killed some birds in the rain. Just like I mentioned earlier, you want to stay put, and be patient.

When you least expect it, the birds will show up. This I know for certain.

Do Different Turkey Hunting Seasons Affect the Time to Go Out?

In general, the spring season is the most popular time for turkey hunting, as this is when the turkeys are actively breeding and more vocal, making them easier to locate and call in. The specific dates for turkey hunting vary by state and region, so it’s important to check your local hunting regulations to find out when the season is open.

turkey diaphragm call

In the spring, your mornings will start earlier than the fall because the sun comes up earlier. The spring turkey season is most popular because the males want to mate with the females, so they will call like crazy.

Summary – Best Time of Day To Hunt Turkeys

Overall, the best time to go turkey hunting in the woods is during the spring season, in the early morning or late afternoon, when the turkeys are active and vocal.

It’s important to keep in mind that weather conditions can also impact turkey behavior, so you may need to adjust your hunting strategy based on factors like temperature, wind, and precipitation.

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